Bu has access to the best vetted PR & Influencer talent around the world…
…whooo can put together influencer campaigns with ease
…whooo knows how the most popular (and rising) influencers are
…whooo knows exactly which influencers you need on your side
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- Admin Support & Virtual Assistants
- Analytics & Tag Manager
- CRM Consulting & Customization
- Content Writing & Marketing
- Digital Advertising
- Email Marketing & Automation
- Graphic Design
- List Building
- PR & Influencer
- Social Media Management
- Video Production & Editing
- Web Design & Development
- Web Programming & Software Development
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Package 1
Guaranteed Publicity in over 50 News Outlets ($1170.00/fixed)
Package 2PR Executive Basic Package (Guaranteed) ($9750.00/fixed)
Bu has access to the best vetted talent around the world…
…whooo have been trained on a process to follow industry best practices,
…whooo are connected to your team through a chat and a workflow application,
…whooo you can provide access to your strategy and plan to get individuals productive right away.