
Find the best PR & influencer talent

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Find the best PR & influencer talent

Bu has access to the best vetted PR & Influencer talent around the world…

  • …whooo can put together influencer campaigns with ease

  • …whooo knows how the most popular (and rising) influencers are

  • …whooo knows exactly which influencers you need on your side

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Package 1

Guaranteed Publicity in over 50 News Outlets ($1170.00/fixed)

Package 2

PR Executive Basic Package (Guaranteed) ($9750.00/fixed)

Bu has access to the best vetted talent around the world…

  • …whooo have been trained on a process to follow industry best practices,

  • …whooo are connected to your team through a chat and a workflow application,

  • …whooo you can provide access to your strategy and plan to get individuals productive right away.